Marriage and Family

Former president George H. W. Bush was asked, “What is your greatest accomplishment?” This accomplished man could have mentioned the successful military campaign of Operation Desert Storm, his two terms as vice president under Ronald

In God’s ideal order, both partners would be living and thinking about the other more than about themselves. Yet, in less than ideal situations, Peter tells us how a believing wife can effectively reach a

King Lemuel gave us the model of the woman after God’s own heart in Proverbs 31:11–31. This writing is based upon the advice his mother gave him, to look for a balanced woman, who does

In 1 Peter 3:1–6, Peter warns women against majoring on externals while ignoring the inside. The Greek word for “adorning” in verse three is cosmos, where we get the English word cosmetic. The practice of Roman women

Before you can help to turn your husband into a new man, perhaps you need to think about becoming a new woman—specifically, a virtuous woman. This entails understanding what you should and should not be.

Sometimes Christian women who are married to non-believers will meet wonderful godly men at church. In time, they may think the Lord is leading them to leave their husbands and remarry. But this is not

Madison Avenue discovered long ago that three words can help to sell a product: “new and improved.” There is something in us that wants the newest, the finest, the fastest and the latest model of

Wives are told to submit to their husbands as to the Lord (Ephesians 5:22). Wives need to submit to their husbands as an act of submission to the Lord. Scripture reminds us, “Whatever you do,

When God calls a woman to submit to the leadership of the man, this is not saying the woman is any less than the man, because she is not. “There is neither Jew nor Greek,

The biblical definition of the roles of husband and wife has been rejected as outdated and archaic in today’s “liberated and enlightened” society. In the name of equality, we have blurred the lines and removed

Every marriage is going to experience some serious challenges and difficulties. What you must do to make sure that you are doing your part in the marriage. One of the primary reasons for the break-up

Before we can tell our children about the Lord, we must develop our own fellowship with God. We can not lead a child any further than we have come. We then must teach the Word

Our children need to see the gospel lived as well as preached. It is a bad thing to never tell our children about the Lord. But it is even worse to tell them about the

“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). “Do not provoke” To provoke a child to anger suggests a

Good and godly fathers are the unsung heroes of America today. They are greater than any athlete, rock star, or actor. They are more influential than any politician. While a godly father can have such

Ephesians 5 is known as the chapter on the Christian family. It is in Ephesians 5:18–21 that we learn about the role of husbands, wives, parents and children. It is worth noting, however, that before

The problems most married people face could be summed up in one simple word: Self. The traits of sin and selfishness, coupled with a desire to concentrate on our own needs and wants, all started

Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and shared it with her husband (Genesis 3:6), thus bringing a curse upon humanity, and upon the earth itself (Genesis 3:14–19). We face a number of consequences today as

The Bible makes it clear that God loves and wants to bless the family. After all, the family is the order that God established for humanity. Yet, from its very inception in the Garden of

God’s plan for marriage is laid out for us in Genesis 2:15–25. God created man and woman for companionship. “And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will

Some people spend more time planning a wedding than preparing for a marriage. They spend more time thinking about what they will wear for a one-hour ceremony than what they will do to build a

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