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Who is God?
Knowing what God is like is foundational to knowing God Himself, and knowing God is the essence of being a Christian.
Who is Jesus?
C.S. Lewis wrote, "You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool; you can...
Who is the Holy Spirit?
During the days that Jesus walked on the earth, His disciples could talk and listen to Him, gaze upon Him, and even reach out and touch Him. But on the day Jesus ascended into Heaven,...
Who is the Devil?
When God created the world, we are told that God examined it and declared that it "was good" (Genesis 1:31). This means that even the angelic world did not have evil angels or demons in...
What about Angels?
They are "God's Secret Agents," not seeking to draw attention to themselves, but to do God's bidding. One of the reasons we may not be personally aware of angels in our life is because they...
Who is Man?
We stand apart from all of God's creation, for we have been uniquely created in the very image of God Himself (Genesis 1:26).
What is the Gospel?
Scripture reminds us to "rightly [divide] the Word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). We must be careful to accurately present the gospel. For that reason, we must be able to identify its key elements.
What is Salvation?
In an age where many Christians seem so preoccupied with their emotional struggles, their difficult past, or their supposed lack of self-esteem, some will even say that salvation is not enough for all their needs....
Results of Salvation
If a person does not show any fruit—any visible evidence of the change that has taken place in his heart since receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Savior—then that individual is not a Christian. Time...
What is Sin?
Where Did Sin Come From? What Exactly Is Sin? Are Some Sins Worse Than Others? These are just a few of the questions people have when dealing with the idea of sin.
What Is Prayer?
Prayer is not some mystical process whereby we call out to some "Force." Nor is it some force with which we create things or speak them into existence, ordering God around like some kind of...
What Is Discipleship?
Many may think that the term disciple refers only to the early followers of Christ. Yet, God still desires disciples today—ordinary people like you and me who God can use to do extraordinary things.
The Ten Commandments
Many people today believe that you and I can believe in whatever truth we want, so long as you respect my truth and I respect yours. It grows out of the conviction that there are...
The Last Days
In these anxious and critical days, some look to politicians and world leaders for direction, hoping that they will lead to peace. Others turn to psychics, fortune tellers, or the latest prediction of the supermarket...
Marriage and Family
Some people spend more time planning a wedding than preparing for a marriage. They spend more time thinking about what they will wear for a one-hour ceremony than what they will do to build a...

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Following Jesus is more than a one-time decision—it’s a daily walk. In this book, Greg Laurie explores the true meaning of discipleship and how you can experience a life of purpose, growth, and joy. Get your copy of Discipleship: The Road Less Taken with your donation today.

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