Reaching millions with the gospel message throughout the world since 1990.

  • 11,824,618
  • 1,020,558

For over 30 years, Harvest has held large-scale evangelistic events that create a welcoming environment to share the life-changing message of the gospel. 

Taking place in world-class venues such as AT&T Stadium, Dodger Stadium, and Angel Stadium, these events feature music from top Christian artists, special guests, and a culturally relevant and biblically sound gospel message from Pastor Greg Laurie, including an invitation to accept Jesus Christ.

Empowering local churches to unite and impact their community, these events have been hosted annually in Southern California, throughout the United States, and have even reached internationally into Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

In 2020, Pastor Greg and Harvest launched the first “cinematic crusade,” A Rush of Hope, which was viewed by over 4 million people. 

“Greg Laurie is not only a personal friend, but is one of the great communicators of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our generation. They have written him up to be the evangelist of the future and he is. I highly recommend him.”
Billy Graham
Evangelist and Author
“There is no question that Greg Laurie is making a huge impact for Christ and that lives are being changed by the thousands through Harvest America. If you are a follower of Jesus, this is the perfect opportunity to invite someone who doesn't know Christ to hear about the life transforming power of the gospel.”
craig groeschel
Craig Groeschel
Senior Pastor, Life Church
“I'm a big fan of Greg Laurie and the Harvest Crusade because the Good News is proclaimed in a way that's engaging and accessible to people who may have never heard it before. Many people in our church have invited friends to the Harvest Crusade whose first step might not be going to church. It's exciting to see how God uses Greg and the Harvest Crusade to point people to Jesus and transform lives.”
Kenton Beshore
Senior Pastor, Mariners Church
“I'm proud to support Greg Laurie in the great work that is impacting thousands of people. I'm honored to know someone with such a passion for the lost.”
Jentezen Franklin
Senior Pastor, Free Chapel
“Greg Laurie is a pastor who is gifted as an evangelist, so with his integrity, with his commitment to the gospel and to the local church, he is the right person to be sharing Jesus Christ through the Harvest Crusades. I have known Greg for 25 years. His integrity is impeccable, his message is clear, his giftedness is obvious, and his heart and his passion for evangelism is over the top. I pray for Greg Laurie, and I thank God for him.”
Dr. Jack Graham
Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church