Harvest Blog

Our Number One Relationship

by Makenna Sones on Aug 28, 2016


Ernie has struggled with relationships all his life. His relationship with the mother of his two children did not work out and a woman he dated later was with him in his Jeep when a horrible accident resulted in her death. Ernie later reunited with the mother of his kids and married her. But once again, their relationship struggled and his marriage ended in divorce.

After a time, Ernie remarried. He has seen how difficult relationships can be and decided there was only one way his marriage would succeed: by dedicating his life to Christ and making Him his #1 relationship. Ernie is currently married to a practicing Mormon. However, he is keeping his promise to God and his marriage by continuing to love his wife and praying God will call her to a Bible-believing church and into a personal relationship with Him. Please keep Ernie and his wife in prayer.

Ernie decided to answer the call at church to volunteer at the SoCal Harvest as an usher. Ernie is happy to be here today serving Christ. He has such a welcoming smile and loves being a part of such a huge event. God can use each one of us to serve Him if we submit to His authority and make Him our #1 priority.


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