“When you win, you lose, but when God wins, you win!”
This was my favorite quote given to me by Alma and her daughter Amber. This gorgeous mother-daughter duo came together to the SoCal Harvest Crusade to “feel God’s spirit move.”
But the story was very different several years back. While Alma had accepted the Lord over 30 years ago, she admits there was a time in her life when she walked away from God. “I was upset and hurt by family members. After getting dumped on so many times, I was just fed up! Our family as a whole walked away from the Lord, every one of us. I was not the mother I needed to be, my husband was not the husband he should have been, and to this day we are still feeling the residual effects of that decision.” Her daughter Amber says that even before all the family drama, she was struggling with her own personal problems and hard times that caused her to have hatred and anger towards God.
It was the same thing that brought both women back into the arms of the Lord. “I missed talking to God. I felt lost, like something was missing, I felt disconnected,” says Alma. Her daughter agrees, “I also felt lost. I realized that even though life can be bad at times, I didn’t want to go through bad times without God.”
These days you’ll find Amber attending church and community groups, “Even though I still struggle with things, I can’t wait to be refreshed every week, to be strengthened. I look so forward to reconnecting each time. I never want to leave Jesus again.” Alma is active in her church and community groups. She serves in the children’s ministry and is grateful God has brought her to where she is now.
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Following Jesus is more than a one-time decision—it’s a daily walk. In this book, Greg Laurie explores the true meaning of discipleship and how you can experience a life of purpose, growth, and joy. Get your copy of Discipleship: The Road Less Taken with your donation today.
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