Harvest Blog

A Volunteer’s Heart to Serve

by Greg Laurie on Aug 25, 2019

It takes a village to prepare for a Harvest Crusade. There are many faithful volunteers that spend days preparing for this event. Liz Sanders takes a week off of her job to work in the Crusade kitchen, preparing food for the 30th annual SoCal Harvest Crusade volunteers. They feed many people each day, clean up, and come back the next day to cook again. They do this all week in preparation of the crusade.

When asked what was the most rewarding thing about serving, Liz said “I’m blessed by blessing others with the gift of service God gave me.” Liz believes that what she does to serve is only part of the body of Christ. “It takes all of us servants at the crusade to make it work.”

This year, she felt especially blessed by serving the veterans on Friday night. “They were so thankful for all the volunteers serving them. As the body of Christ, we need to serve one another.”

I asked Liz what she would tell someone that wants to serve at a Harvest Crusade but might be hesitant, her response was to start somewhere, to pray and ask God where they should start serving “the Lord will use you and the gifts He has given you.”

The gospel message given by Pastor Greg Laurie at the crusades has changed many lives in the past 30 years, and it’s people like Liz that faithfully serve and pray every year that help make this event happen.

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