Harvest Blog

Seeking Happiness

by Nayeli Serrano on Aug 19, 2017

Rene has never met his biological father. His mother married a man that had constant affairs and she spent most of her time trying to fix her marriage. Rene felt a void; he felt neglected by his mother, which lead to a fear of being alone and a need for affirmation. At 7 years old he was already out on the streets of East LA hanging out with gang members, but Rene says he felt “God always had His hand over” him.

Eventually he ended up in jail for vandalism and auto theft. As soon as he was released he started selling drugs and making a lot of money doing it. He felt powerful; he thought he had it all. He started being with many women and spending money recklessly. Rene admits that he was trying to find himself, and that his mother’s neglect left him looking for love in other women but soon he realized that he was still not happy.

Even after falling in love and having two kids, Rene continued to sell drugs until he was caught and went to jail. When he was released he found out his girlfriend left him for his friend. He lost his job and his apartment.  He felt he had lost everything and shortly afterward, he was back in jail. Rene was at a low point in his life.

In jail, he met a man that talked to him about God and the Bible. He started reading the Bible and talking to God. He says he didn’t know how to pray so he would just talk to God, and this gave him peace. He remembers one day visiting his mother and how difficult that was for him, because he still felt rejected by her. He remembers leaving his mother’s house and talking to God as he walked. He began asking God to reveal Himself to him and when he said, “God show me something,” suddenly a gush of wind hit him, but the palm trees around him did not move. He instantaneously started crying, then sobbing, and from that moment forward he knew God was real.

He continues to work on his relationship with the Lord and God continues to be faithful. Rene reconciled with his girlfriend and they are now married.

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