TV Broadcast


by Greg Laurie on May 1, 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie shares a message from Revelation 4 titled “Afterlife” at our Sunday Morning Service for Harvest At Home.

Sermon Notes

What will we be doing while we are in Heaven? We will be busy working for the Lord in Heaven. Why do we exist? To bring God glory and pleasure. Living for pleasure is one of the most unpleasurable things you can do. God created us for His own glory. You decide in this life where you will spend the afterlife


What is the Rapture? “Rapture” is from the Greek word Harpzo, which means, “to take forcibly,” “to snatch,” or “caught up.” Jesus promised to keep His people from the Great Tribulation Period. The Apostle Paul spoke of the Rapture in 1 Corinthians 15:51–52

  • Enoch was raptured or caught up to Heaven.
  • Elijah did not die as he was “caught up suddenly” to Heaven.
  • Philip was “raptured” as well.
  • Jesus Christ Himself was, in effect, “raptured” to Heaven.


  • Revelation 4:2–3
  • Revelation 22:3
  • Revelation 4:11
  • Isaiah 43:7
  • 1 Corinthians 10:31
  • Revelation 4
  • Revelation 1
  • Revelation 6:10
  • Hebrews 11:5
  • 2 Kings 2:11
  • Acts 8:39–40
  • Acts 1:9–11
  • Matthew 27:51–53

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