
The Gifts That Keep Giving | Gifts God Gives Us

by Harvest on Jun 5, 2024

Whether you’re a woodworker, a steel worker or in another form of construction, you know that, the tougher the job, the more the need for power tools. Hard to build a skyscraper with just a tape measure and a good idea. Well, spiritually speaking, with some of our assignments, the Lord gives US power tools. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of putting them to work. It’s part of his series in the book of Acts called The Upside-Down Life.

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Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book

Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book

Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book is a time-proven resource that helps kids learn how to mature in Christ! A copy will be sent to you for a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.

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