
The Biblical Worldview on Salvation | Work Out Your Own Salvation

by Harvest on Sep 30, 2024

Where does your electricity come from in your home? The electric company, right? You’re connected directly. Your neighbor is connected directly. You’re not running an extension cord over to the neighbor’s to power up your lights. (At least I hope not.) Well, we each need a direct spiritual connection to our Heavenly Father. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that sheds light on Paul’s injunction to “work out our own salvation.” Glad you’re along today for Pastor Greg’s Worldview Series.

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God's Answer to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

God's Answer to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

We’ve all been afraid. It’s not a fun feeling. Especially when it becomes full-blown anxiety. The Bible is full of reasons to “fear not!” Pastor Greg’s book, God’s Answer to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety will remind you of those reasons.

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