
God Keeps His Promises | Prioritizing the Lord

by Harvest on May 21, 2024

So many of us spend so little time thinking about the Lord during the day, and yet we want to live with Him forever. God’s Word has a bottomless supply of insights for life, but social media captures so much more of most people’s attention. Well today on A NEW BEGINNING, as Pastor Greg Laurie continues our Genesis series, we’ll see how Noah remembered the Lord—it was his priority—after reaching dry land following the Flood. We’ll learn a number of principles from following the life of this great patriarch!

Harvest Crusade 2024

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King David was a shepherd, a warrior, a king—and a man after God’s own heart. Official companion to the Amazon Prime series House of David, a new devotional from Pastor Greg Laurie dives deep into David’s life, the psalms he wrote, and the lessons we can learn from his triumphs and struggles. Grow in your walk with God as you explore the extraordinary life of David. Get your copy today with your gift to Harvest Ministries.

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