Greg's Notes

What the Death of Jesus Means to You

What is the moment of your life when you experienced the most pain? We all know what it’s like to feel pain. Maybe one of the worst kinds of pain you can experience is when you’ve been betrayed by someone you care about. Someone that you thought was a true friend. Someone you thought you could trust. We are going to look now at the death of Jesus Christ, who was betrayed by His friend, and I want to talk about the most painful moment that Jesus Christ experienced.

Practical Principles

  1. God was the Master of Ceremonies at the cross. The fact is that Scripture was clear in the Old Testament in pointing out the Messiah would die and He would die by crucifixion. The cross wasn’t a fluke mistake. It was God’s plan.
  2. Why did Jesus have to suffer? He was wounded for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed. Jesus voluntarily suffered in our place—because He loves us.
  3. Jesus was forsaken so I don’t have to be. Jesus was forsaken of God so I could be forgiven. Jesus entered the darkness that I might walk in the light. Jesus was forsaken of God for a time that I might enjoy His presence forever.

Relevant Reminders

  • We should open our windows like Daniel did and we should pray. We should go out the door into a needy and hurting world and preach the gospel.
  • This is not the time to isolate. This is the time to infiltrate.
  • Why did Jesus suffer and die? Because He loves you. This also means that He can enter into your suffering as well.
  • To become a Christian, it doesn’t take years, months, or even hours. It can happen in an instant.

Applicable Actions

What does the death of Jesus mean to you? Answer: It means everything. He did this for you because He loves you and He wants you to come into a relationship with the Father.

Live for Him today.