There are two kinds of people that come to church. There are participators and spectators. Participators come and engage in worship. They listen carefully to the message. They give in the offering. They serve faithfully. They find and use their spiritual gifts. Spectators don’t do those things. They come expecting everyone to wait on them.

Are you a wall builder or a wall breaker? Are you a faith maker or are you a faith breaker? You decide if you’re a servant or a slacker. Either you are building the wall up or you are neglecting your part of the wall. Either you’re serving the Lord and walking with Him or you aren’t.


Practical Principles

  1. When you’re doing God’s work, you will face opposition. Don’t listen to your critics. Listen to God and do what the Lord leads you to do. 
  2. We need to find our place in the work that God is doing. The church is a family. The church is an army. The church is a body. Everyone has a part to play. God has given to every Christian gifts from the Spirit that we can use to work together for His purpose.
  3. You’re not going to do anything for anybody if you don’t care about them. You need to pray for compassion: “Lord, help me see this person as You see them.” Far too often we see nonbelievers, or even our fellow workers in the Lord, as the enemy. Nehemiah cared—and he cared enough to take action.

Relevant Reminders

  • Jesus, who was in the glory of Heaven at the Father’s right hand, left Heaven and came to this earth and was born as a helpless little baby. He set aside His comfort for the sake of others.
  • God will do His work in His way and His timing. But God chooses to work through people and He is searching for the right person for the job. There’s always a right man or a right woman for the job.
  • Don’t stand there with your hands in your pockets staring your shoes. Don’t be looking at your Instagram account or talking with a neighbor. Worship. Give. Serve. Share. Build.


Applicable Actions

Right now, God is looking for people to work through. God’s looking for a man, a woman, someone that He can use and show Himself strong on behalf of. Would you be that person? Would you be willing to step forward and say, “Lord, You can use me. I don’t bring a lot to the table, but I’ll give you what I have”?