You’ve seen warnings on the screen before a TV program is about to play: this topic may not be suitable for young listeners. Or you see a movie down at the theater, and you’re thinking, “Well, do I want to see this?” And it might warn you that there is violence and sex in the film. That’s what I want to talk about in this message, but I don’t want to glorify it, as is often the case. I want to tell you what the Bible says about these two topics as we’re looking at the Ten Commandments, specifically “You shall not murder” and “You shall not commit adultery.”

Practical Principles

  1. You shall not murder. Numbers 35 plainly states the difference that God places between killing and murder. Murder is intentionally taking another person’s life. The word murder is never used to describe the death of an animal, nor is it used to describe the death of an opponent in war, nor is it used to describe the death that comes through capital punishment.
  2. You shall not commit adultery. The only place for sex to be blessed by God, who created it, is in a marriage between a man and a woman committed to each other in a monogamous relationship.

Relevant Reminders

  • Authority is established by God and is able to enforce law.
  • There are times when there is a just cause for a war.
  • Every child is created by God and should be given the chance to live.
  • Imagine how different our nation would be if we obeyed the seventh commandment, how many divorces would’ve been avoided, how many families would still be together.
  • You don’t feed lust. You starve it.

Applicable Actions

The commandments were not given to make you holy. They were given to show you how unholy you actually are. The commandments were given to show you how much you need Jesus, and He stands ready to forgive you of any sin you’ve ever committed.