Greg's Notes

The Power of One, Part 2

Are you a thermostat or are you a thermometer? A thermostat sets the temperature. A thermometer tells you what the temperature is. Are you the kind of person that influences others? Or are you the kind of person that is always influenced by others? Are you a world changer, or is the world changing you?

There’s no question about it; Moses was a thermostat. He influenced others. In fact, he lived such a godly life of integrity that he basically kept 2.5 million people from turning to full-blown idolatry.

Practical Principles 

  1. Moses made important decisions at the beginning of his life. There are pivotal moments of decision in our lives that can make all the difference as to how we end up.
  2. You make your choices, and your choices make you. The most important choice you will ever make is what you do with Jesus Christ—if you will say yes to Him and follow Him or if you will reject Him.
  3. Because of his right choices, Moses was a man of personal integrity. One person described integrity as what we are in the dark—who you are when no one is watching.
  4. We need to look forward, not backward. Moses fixed his attention on what was ahead. He saw the big picture. He saw beyond the temporal comfort of the palace of Egypt. He saw beyond the bondage of Pharaoh. He saw beyond to what God could do, and that’s what he fixed his eyes on.
  5. Moses finished his race well. Moses was strong to the very end. Moses understood he was going to die. He understood this was the end, but he was not afraid or depressed. He realized that life has a beginning, middle, and end.

Relevant Reminders

  • We are to walk in godly counsel and meditate on the Word of God.
  • The best that the world has to offer isn’t as good as the worst God has to offer.
  • To live is Christ and to die is gain. Why is dying gain for the Christian? Because we go to Heaven, into the very presence of God.

Applicable Actions

Moses died and every one of us will ultimately die as well, unless the Lord comes back in our lifetime. But one way or another, you and I are going to stand before God and we are going to be held accountable for our lives. Here’s what the question will be in that final day. It will not be “How good of a life did we live?” or “How many good works did we do?” It’s going to come down to this: “What did we do with Jesus Christ?”