Greg's Notes

In Case of Emergency

Imagine if you could go to an elite university and have a class taught by the finest person in that field from all of history. For instance, you could study music under Beethoven, attend a drama class taught by Shakespeare, be taught political science by Thomas Jefferson, or philosophy by C. S. Lewis.

Well, how about this? A class on prayer taught by Jesus Christ. That’s essentially what we have in Scripture when the Lord taught His disciples how to pray. Let’s see what points we can glean from the Lord’s Prayer in
Matthew 6.

Practical Principles

  1. You have complete access to the Creator of the universe through prayer. He is God Almighty, but you have Him on speed-dial. You have His private number, so to speak. You can access Him anytime you want.
  2. We are to pray with others. Jesus didn’t say “My Father, who art in Heaven.” He said, “Our Father. . . .” He didn’t teach us to say, “Give me this day my daily bread.” He used the pronouns “us” and “our.” We should be praying with other believers.
  3. God is bigger than your problem, whatever it may be. As I think about the awesomeness of God, as I contemplate the greatness and bigness of God, it will cause me to see my problems, challenges, and needs in a different light.
  4. Prayer is getting God’s will on earth, not my will in Heaven. Prayer is not pulling God my way; it’s pulling me His way.
  5. God wants us to bring our needs before Him each and every day. Your finances, a roof over your head, your health—everything you need in life should be requested daily of the Lord.
  6. God wants us to ask for and extend forgiveness to others. We sin every day, and we need to constantly ask God to forgive us of those sins. In the same way, we need to forgive those who sin against us.
  7. We cannot overcome the devil in our own strength. We must acknowledge our human weakness and our propensity to sin, and we must rely on the Lord to get us through times of temptation.

Relevant Reminders

  • If you want to know what the Father in Heaven is like, just look at Jesus.
  • God is deeply involved and deeply concerned about what you’re facing right now. If it concerns you, it concerns Him.
  • With every temptation, God provides a way of escape.

Applicable Actions

We need to get into the habit of prayer. Not just before meals or at bedtime, but constantly throughout the day. Prayer should become a lifestyle. Whenever a burden hits, it should be turned immediately into a prayer. Cry out to God in your sorrow and pain. Call on the Lord for His provision, His protection, and His guidance. Give thanks to the Lord for your joys and blessings.