Greg's Notes

How to Have a Personal Spiritual Revival

The Jesus Revolution, a time when God poured out His Spirit and impacted a culture, was the last great spiritual awakening in America. Looking back at the late ’60s and the early ’70s we can see a lot of parallels between then and now. It was a nation that was divided, there was racial conflict, a drug culture, and things were very dark. But when things are really dark, God’s light can shine brightly. In Nehemiah 7 and 8, we see the wall finished and Ezra the priest reading from the Book of the Law, which led the people in a great revival.

Here’s how we too can have a personal spiritual revival. 

Practical Principles

  1. We must understand the Word of God. As we read the Word of God, He will come to us through Scripture. Read the Bible and you will know the will of God. We get biblical principles from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit will help us know how to apply them. Immerse yourself in the Bible.
  2. We must be convicted by the Word of God. Sometimes we have a false idea of how Scripture and even church should impact us. We want to be blessed, never convicted. We want to be happy, never sad. There needs to be that conviction of the Holy Spirit, who will show you what your sin is so you can repent of it and then be truly happy and rejoice.
  3. We need to obey God’s Word. God in His Word gives us instructions for how to live. He says that if you do these things you’ll find happiness. The Lord is not going to force-feed you. His Word is in front of you, and it’s yours to enjoy, or yours to reject.

Relevant Reminders

  • The three Rs of getting right with God and having a spiritual revival personally: Was your faith stronger before? Repent. Change your direction; do a U-turn. Repeat. Do the first works quickly and as Jesus says, “Remember from where you have fallen” (see Revelations 2:1–5).

Applicable Actions

The children of Israel had a great revival. Did it last? Well, for a time. Revivals don’t last forever. They have a beginning, middle, and end. A revival is a little bit like an explosion, like when you start your car. But sometimes we lose sight of it and need another revival, and then we need another one. So it’s good to go back and say, “Lord, revive me again and again.” We need constant revival.