Greg's Notes

Home for Christmas

When we think about “home” at Christmastime, we should remember what Jesus left when He came to this earth. Jesus had no home when he lived on earth. He was literally homeless. He said, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” But in heaven, Jesus had the greatest of homes. He left that to come and dwell among us.

Practical Principles

  1. Jesus left his home in Heaven so you could have a home in heaven. He went from a heavenly home to a barn filled with animals. I know we romanticize it with all of our songs and such, but it really was a cold, damp, unsanitary place for a baby to be born. That is exactly where the Lord came to us: in a humble manger. 
  2. Jesus left his home in Heaven to make a home in your heart. He was born so we could be born again. C. S. Lewis put it this way: “The son of God became a man that men might become sons of God.”
  3. When Jesus is at home in your heart, you will be at home in the church. I think the closer you are to God, the closer you will be to God’s people. The further you are from God, the further you will be from God’s people.
  4. As a family that lives in a house, we have a neighborhood. We have neighbors around us, and we want to continue to reach them with the gospel and call them to Christ. 

Relevant Reminders

  • Church should be a loving place for hurting people, a safe place for sad people, and a place for unsaved people to be saved.
  • There’s rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner that comes to repentance.
  • God provides for His people to give through His people to reach other people.

Applicable Actions

As Christmas approaches, let’s not only remember the sacrifice Jesus made in leaving His home in Heaven and making a home in our hearts; let’s invite others to experience His love by sharing the gospel with them.