Greg's Blog

What I Said and Saw at the Dinner at the White House

by Greg Laurie on Aug 28, 2018

I had the opportunity last night to be a guest with over 100 Evangelical leaders at the White House. The First Lady did an amazing job putting the evening together.

We were greeted by an amazing orchestra serenading us as we milled about in and out of many rooms of the White House. It was just amazing. The President, First Lady, the Vice President, and Mrs. Pence were there. So were Jared and Ivanka Kushner and many cabinet members.

The President opened the mic up and many pastors and leaders shared their hearts, and there were some incredible moments. I was asked to close in prayer.

I commended the First Lady for repeating the Lords’ Prayer at an event her husband spoke at some time ago. Though she was criticized by some, we commended her for it. I told the President and those assembled that we need a spiritual awakening in America.

I pointed out that this country was planted in spiritual soil by the great Evangelist George Whitefield. I also quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14 and reminded everyone that this revival God wants to bring does not start in the White House but in HIS HOUSE. (“If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray. . .”)

I then prayed for the President to receive wisdom from God and to be surrounded by good and godly people. I also prayed for his protection as so much weight is placed on his shoulders, that he should “not worry about anything, but pray about everything” (Philippians 4). If he would do that, God promises that “His peace would guard his heart and mind.”

It was truly a privilege to be a part of this wonderful evening, as I never want to pass up the chance to pray and share God’s Word with the leaders of our country, regardless of if they are Democrats or Republicans. Remember, revival starts with you and me first.

Praying at the White House


Cathe and me arriving at the White House

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