Greg's Blog

National Day of Prayer

by Greg Laurie on May 2, 2020

During this COVID-19 pandemic season, one of the greatest strengths we have as Christians is to PRAY!

That’s why we are getting together to host the National Day of Prayer with Pastor Jack Graham and the team! We will have special prayers from some of the leading pastors all across the country as well as some of our elected officials!

Join us on Thursday, May 7, 2020, for our LIVE National Day of Prayer service.

This will be live-streamed on my Facebook page.

Thursday, May 7, 2020 

4 PM (PT)


Sec. of State Mike Pompeo
Sen. Marco Rubio
Sen. Tim Scott
Greg Laurie
Jack Graham
Tim Clinton
Joni Eareckson Tada
Jentezen Franklin
Franklin Graham
Skip Heitzig
Chris Hodges
David Jeremiah
Levi Lusko
Gregg Matte
Eric Metaxas
Johnnie Moore
Samuel Rodriguez
Sheila Walsh


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