Greg's Blog

Lost Boy Is Released!

by Greg Laurie on May 21, 2008

Greg with book

Yes, folks, Lost Boy is finally here! I am holding a copy in my hands, as we speak. Well, actually, I had to set it down to type this. I am quite happy with the way it turned out. Its size will not intimidate you. This is a book I think you will start and finish.

A close friend, who just received a copy, wrote, “Yesterday, I started and finished your book. I couldn’t put it down. Even though I already knew a lot of the things, I read them as though I was hearing them for the first time. I cried more than once. You did a wonderful job sharing some of the most intimate areas of your life. What a wonderful example of what God can do with a very broken life. He meets us where we are and we just need to take His hand and allow Him lead us. Wow and wow.”

Others who have read it have said the following:

  • “I never knew you went through those things before.”
  • “It was a real page-turner.”
  • “I laughed out loud.”
  • “I used it to prop my door open.”

OK, I added the last one, but I’m sure someone will do it.

Seriously, though, I trust you will be touched by it. I poured myself into it, heart and soul, and revealed things I have never publicly stated before.

There were times I did not want to finish it because it was hard at times to look back and relive some of those memories. Also, frankly, I got tired of talking about myself. Yes, it actually CAN happen!

Initially, it was a bit longer, but we cut out some parts that seemed to get into the way of the human story that is told here with all the ups and downs, joys and disappointments.

In short, it’s about life. My life. And it might be the the story, to some degree, of your life as well.

BTW, there are some funny moments in it too. You have to read the chapter about my experience with a hairpiece! I will say no more! 🙂

And though it is sad at times, it has a happy ending! So, please let me know what you think!

If you would like to order a copy of Lost Boy directly from Harvest Ministries for a gift of any amount, click here.



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