Greg's Blog

Lost Boy documentary wins film festival award

by Greg Laurie on Apr 28, 2009

Hey everyone! Great news on the Lost Boy film!

We entered it in the 2009 Riverside International Film festival and it won! Lost Boy: The Next Chapter won the award for the Audience Favorite Documentary.

It is worth noting that hundreds of films were submitted to this festival from all around the world and few make the final,  judging round in each category. There is only one winner per category and Lost Boy: The Next Chapter won.

We wanted this film to have both artistic integrity and be a tool for the gospel. The exciting thing is that the gospel has been proclaimed through this film at this festival, before an audience that might not otherwise hear it.

We have also entered this film in other film festivals around the country.

Lost Boy: The Next Chapter was a labor of love

I had a great team of people who helped make this film a reality, starting with Dwight Thompson, the director. Dwight is a very talented filmmaker, and this was his first foray into the documentary film world. He did a wonderful job.

Special thanks also to go Pastor Paul Eaton for his production of the film, helping to bring it to completion.

Finally, my son Christopher was also an integral part of this project, as he did all the design, graphics, and type treatments.

Little did we know that his story would become a major part of this film, resulting in an entirely new version that has just come out. He was very excited about it and had seen some of the early screenings. He told people he had really enjoyed working on it and wanted to see God use it to touch people with the gospel.

And a book nomination

It is also worth noting that Outreach Magazine has nominated the Lost Boy book as its Outreach Resource of the Year in the Evangelism category. The awards, according to the magazine, are meant to celebrate and encourage excellence in resources designed specifically to help the church reach out in areas such as evangelism, compassionate service, and cross-cultural ministries locally and worldwide.

More than awards

But more important than the awards is the ministry tool that this film has been. I have personally seen this story resonate with thousands of people around the country at screenings where I have given a message afterward.

We have seen hundreds and hundreds of people come to Christ through it. So we give God the glory for it.

You may want to order a copy of the just released DVD of Lost Boy: The Next Chapter. And if you would like to see it right now, just click here.

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