Greg's Blog

Harvest Ministries 2024 Recap

by Greg Laurie on Dec 27, 2024


When I look back on 2024, I am overwhelmed with how powerfully God worked through all of the efforts we engaged in.

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2024 Recap

Harvest Crusade

This year, we brought the Harvest Crusade back to Angel Stadium. In total, over 250,000 people participated in this successful evangelistic event—50,000 in-stadium and 200,000 online. The stadium was so packed that the Fire Marshal had to lock the doors!

harvest crusade 2024 audience filling seats at packed out angel stadium

We also had 5,000 people make professions of faith in Jesus Christ. And let this sink in: We exceeded 100,000 professions of faith in 2024 alone!

pastor greg laurie on the field of angel stadium with audience making professions of faith

I want to share some stories with you, starting with Starlene’s:

It was our first time ever at a Harvest Crusade. It was absolutely AMAZING. God was on the move and the Holy Spirit was so strong. Watching my daughter while she lifted her hands praising her heavenly father was so BEAUTIFUL. THANK YOU Pastor Greg Laurie and all the members that helped at the Harvest Crusade. . . Not only did we have an amazing time but my boyfriend’s mom, dad, sister, her husband, her son, and her son’s friend all gave their life to Jesus on that field. It was beautiful to watch his mom and dad go on the field hand in hand. GOD IS GOOD.

And here is Joni’s:

There was not one seat left. When we were singing praises to God I closed my eyes and it was as if we were in heaven. There was a roar in the stadium that sent chills up my spine. People who were around my area were sobbing and lifting their arms to heaven. I have been to almost every Harvest Crusade and I think this one topped them all. I believe all these people including myself are hungry for God.

woman and daughter together crying at angel stadium for harvest crusade 2024

As long as I have breath, I will keep preaching the gospel!

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Annual Jesus Revolution Baptism

We didn’t stop there. After one of my favorite Harvest Crusades of all time, we had a really cool event at Pirate’s Cove—our 2nd Annual Jesus Revolution Baptism.

We baptized 2,000 people in just one day!

People line up at Pastor Greg Laurie's 2024 Jesus Revolution Baptism at Pirate's Cove

After baptizing 4,500 people last year, I really didn’t think 2,000 more would come to be baptized this time around. It is incredible that in twelve months, 6,500 have been baptized through this event.

Jonathan Laurie baptizing at the 2024 Pirate's Cove Jesus Revolution Baptism

Even though so many people are quick to write California off, I see that God is working in our state.

New Believer’s Bibles

Plus, we gave away 30,000 New Believer’s Bibles in 2024!

new believer's bible being carried at 2024 harvest crusade at angel stadium

With my study notes included, this special Bible equips the new believer as they ask what’s next and seek to grow in their faith. It helps them understand the Word of God.

greg laurie with 2024 harvest crusade audience on field at angel stadium

Ben Born Again & YellowDog Cartoon

We also launched a new animation series based off of my cartoon characters, Ben Born Again and YellowDog. I’ve been drawing these characters for years, and now they’re animated—along with some other characters!


My mission with The Adventures of Ben Born Again & YellowDog is to share the Good News of Jesus in a family-friendly, understandable way. It’s perfect for children.

To God be the Glory!

With all that said, thank God for all He’s done! Again, as long as He gives me breath, I want to keep sharing this message of hope. It is the only one that can change a heart and a life for eternity.

I invite you to be part of all God’s doing through Harvest in 2025. We have even more, great evangelistic plans—and I want to encourage you to invest in what we are doing. And by the way, whatever you give will be doubled thanks to our Year End Match Fund.

Help us continue to reach unexpected people, in unexpected places, with an unexpected gospel message—through evangelistic events, radio, television, online media, the Harvest+ app, and even more. We want to fulfill the Great Commission, and we can do it together. Thank you in advance for whatever you can give.

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