“‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us)” (Matthew 1:23 ESV).
Merry Christmas, my friends! This Advent season, I’ve been reflecting on the peace of Christmas and the nearness of Christ to us all.
Last time we were in Israel, we visited Magdala—the town of Mary Magdalene—and I’ll never forget sitting in the ruins of the ancient synagogue. Our guide told us, with absolute certainty, “Jesus taught here.” Right there, on the stones beneath our feet, He stood. Followers, skeptics, and the curious all gathered to hear this Galilean rabbi speak as no man ever spoke before.
And then the guide said something that stopped me cold: Jesus is alive and still moving and working. Right now, in our midst.
The same Jesus who was born as a baby in Bethlehem and wrapped in swaddling clothes is alive and working right now in our midst. He’s with us at our church services and beside the Christmas tree. He’s there as we chat with family and friends and when we’re alone. He’s among all the presents and twinkling lights.
God With Us
He’s here…He is “God with us.”
“‘They shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us)” (Matthew 1:23 ESV).
He is the same God then as He is now. He has never left us, and He never will.
Have you invited Him into your Christmas this year? Have you talked to Him today? Have you invited Him to your Christmas dinner? Have you spent time with Him in His Word on this celebration of His birth?
It’s not a chore for Him to be with you; it’s His pleasure! Remember, God so loved the world that He sent His Son for us (see John 3:16). He loved the world—that means you and me! He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to dwell among us, to be Immanuel—God with us.
Jesus willingly came to Earth as a baby, the most vulnerable stage of human life, and died on the cross for us!
If you’re feeling alone today, remember…God is with you. Jesus is with you. He is right there beside you and sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in you.
If you’re busy with family and caught up in the rush of the holiday, remember…God is with you. If you’re feeling alone…God is with you. If you’re struggling…God is with you. If you’re rejoicing…God is with you.
He is here. He is in this holiday. He is the reason we’re celebrating today. He sees you just as you are and wants to be a part of your day. The same God who was born in a manger and saved us all is with you.
Make space for Him today, amidst all the cookies and presents and lights. Set aside time just for Him. Keep Him in the conversation. Let Him know He’s welcomed into your home, your space, your life.
I’m praying for all of you on this joyous day of celebration. May the presence of the Lord and the peace of Christ fill your hearts and homes today!
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Cathe Laurie is the founder and director of the Virtue women’s ministry. She is also a featured speaker on The Virtue Podcast, at Harvest events, and the author of As I See It. You can find her weekly articles here on harvest.org.
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