Greg's Blog

“Crazy awesome cool!”

by Greg Laurie on Jun 3, 2008

Hey everyone!

Again, check out today’s A New Beginning radio program for more from Lost Boy. I think you will really like it.

To hear it, click here.

Lost Boy review from a 12-year-old

I met little Andrea at the Lost Boy book signing last Sunday at Harvest. She was so enthused about the book, I asked her if she would write a review. Here is what she came up with-

How I Read Lost Boy by Andrea Walborn

(A 12-year-old reviews Lost Boy)

I love the book Lost Boy. It’s crazy awesome cool. It’s not all cheesy Christianity either. It’s hardcore, not all butterflies and daisies.

Because sometimes it’s hard to be a Christian, sometimes you struggle, and Pastor Greg portrays that perfectly in his autobiography. When I picked it up, I could not put it down. For two days, I was completely absorbed in Lost Boy. I was reading while eating dinner, I was reading while swinging on the swing set, and reading in the car. I loved it because it was so real, such an awesome story of how God can take anything and turn it into amazing things.

It inspired me. I read Lost Boy through tears and with laughs so loud that all the eyes in the room turned toward me. That’s how I read Lost Boy.

I love the following lines:

  • “It’s crazy awesome cool.”
  • “It’s hardcore, not all butterflies and daisies”
  • “I was reading while swinging on the swing set”

Thanks Andrea. Great review!

Sins against the Holy Spirit

1. Lying to the Spirit.

I mentioned that I was going to talk about specific sins we can commit against the Holy Spirit. The first one I want to point out is “Lying to the Spirit.” This was the sin that Ananias and Sapphira committed that resulted in them being struck dead.

In Acts 5, we read that they had claimed to give more to God then they really did. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was pretending to be something they were not. They were hypocrites.

Sometimes we misunderstand what a hypocrite really is.

A hypocrite is not someone who believes something, but then falls short of it. That’s called a genuine Christian. That’s you and me. Because we ALL fall short of the glory of God, over and over again.

Ananias was a man who wanted people to think he was thoroughly devoted to God when he wasn’t. Ananias means “God is gracious,” but he learned that God is also holy. Sapphira means “Beautiful,” but her heart was ugly with sin.

At this particular time, the church was living communally. This was something they later did away with altogether. Each could voluntarily give as much or as little as they desired.

Ananias and Sapphira wanted to appear to have given much, when they had not.

Why? Surely they must have been aware of the fact that God would know the truth. They did it because they wanted to impress other people.

That is an easy trap to fall into. I know I’ve done it.

Tomorrow, I want to talk about “Grieving the Holy Spirit.” Anyone have an idea as to what that is?

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