Greg's Blog

‘Billy Graham: The Man I Knew’ Is Now Available!

by Greg Laurie on Apr 13, 2021

Today, April 13, 2021, marks the official release of my book, Billy Graham: The Man I Knew, and I’m excited to share it with you.

There have been many books written about Billy Graham—and so there should be—but sometimes they are a little more academically oriented, or they are giving you his complete biography.

Those books are great, of course, but I wanted to write a book about Billy that is a personal book. I aim to show the human side of Billy Graham. In the minds of many people, he’s like stained glass. But when it’s all said and done, he was a man like anyone else.

He was uniquely chosen by God to reach multiple generations and millions of people, and yet he was fun-loving, witty, and very humble. That’s the Billy Graham I want to introduce to you, and that’s why I titled my book Billy Graham: The Man I Knew.

It’s available now, and I’d love for you to read it. Here’s how to get a copy:

I’ve no doubt that the life and example of this godly man will inspire and encourage you, as it has me, and I’m excited for you to read the book. Hope you enjoy it!

Learn more about Pastor Greg Laurie.


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