What to Do When You’re Tempted
Though Jesus is God, He laid aside some of the privileges of His deity. He did not void His deity; He veiled it. He humbled Himself and became a man.
Jesus experienced human limitations like we do. He was tired. He knew physical thirst and physical hunger. And He also felt physical weakness.
The Bible also teaches that Jesus was tempted. And He left us an example to follow when we face temptation ourselves.
When the devil tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, He said, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone’” (Luke 4:4 NLT).
When the devil tempted Jesus to worship him, He answered, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him’” (verse 8 NLT).
And when the devil tempted Jesus to jump off the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus said, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God’” (verse 12 NLT).
From this passage we see that Jesus felt the presence and pressure of temptation like we do, but He did not sin. Instead, He countered every temptation with a quote from Scripture.
From the example of Jesus, we can know how to effectively resist temptation. We need to have the Scriptures stored in our minds and hearts so that when we’re tempted, we can deflect the devil’s blows. The psalmist wrote, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11 NLT).
When we have memorized Scripture, when we have ingrained it in our memory banks, it’s there for us to use during times of temptation.
During His temptation in the wilderness, Jesus did not use His incredible supernatural power. Rather, He met the devil with the written Word of God. He occupied ground that we can occupy as well.
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