
What is Revival?

by Greg Laurie on Jan 23, 2016
"Won't you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you?"

Some have defined revival as a community saturated with God or an invasion from Heaven.

Richard Owen Roberts said, "Revival is an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results." And A.W. Tozer defined revival as "that which changes the moral climate of a community."

Listen, revival is nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God.

It’s a church word, revival. It is not for the nonbeliever. Revival starts with the church and then affects the world. The world does not need revival; the church does. The world needs evangelism.

Evangelism does not bring revival, but revival always brings evangelism.

That is why we are doing Harvest America! We have our marching orders from Jesus to "go into all the world." Let’s do that together on March 6. Will you participate?

C.H. Spurgeon said, "To be revived is a blessing which can only be enjoyed by those who have some degree of life. Those who have no spiritual life are not, and cannot be, in the strictest sense of the term, subjects of revival."

So revival should be looked for among the church, and more specifically, it starts with you and me as individuals.

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