
Too Busy for Jesus?

by Greg Laurie on Dec 20, 2022
Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near
—Isaiah 55:6

A number of years ago, I read a story about a man who set up a nativity scene on his front lawn, but some vandals came along and stole the baby Jesus. The man was quoted as saying, “They’ve taken my Jesus, and I don’t know where he is.”

I thought, “Sir, those people did not take your Jesus. They took a plastic figure, probably with a light bulb inside, that’s a representation of Jesus. But that wasn’t Jesus.”

We can’t lose Jesus, but sometimes people lose sight of the real Jesus, especially during the Christmas season. Of course, we have responsibilities, families, and things we need to do, but let’s find ways to share the real message of Christmas. It’s easy to transition a conversation to what the Christmas season is really about: the birth of Jesus Christ.

Let’s not allow the busyness of the season to crowd Jesus out of our lives. We need to slow down, listen to the Lord, and stay in close fellowship with Him. Even if you’ve been so busy that you haven’t paid as much attention to Him as you should, He’s patiently waiting for you to return.

Jesus walked in our shoes, breathed our air, died our death, and rose from the dead. Is Jesus Christ living inside you? If not, I hope you’ll soon believe in Him. He wants to forgive all your sins. He wants to be the Lord of your life, not just at Christmastime but every day of the year. He’s an everyday Jesus, and He’s here for you right now.

Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, died on the cross, and rose from the dead, is standing at the door of your life and knocking. If you’re not sure that he’s living inside you, will you open the door and ask Him to come in?

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