The Truth Will Set You Free
Note: This month we’re journeying through the Gospel of John. Today our passage is from John 8.
John 8:31–59
Believing in Jesus involves more than just accepting what He says as the truth. It involves being faithful to His teachings; changing not just your priorities, but the way you think and act; and restructuring your life so that it resembles His. That’s the message Jesus sends in John 8. You can’t be a casual disciple.
The amazing thing about becoming a disciple is that it doesn’t feel like an obligation; it feels like freedom. When you know the truth about what Jesus offers, you’re set free from the pull of your sinful nature. You have what you need to resist temptation and discover a new way of living.
The Jewish leaders who heard Jesus’ offer were unimpressed. “But we are descendants of Abraham . . . We have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean, ‘You will be set free’?” (verse 33 NLT). That was an odd claim, coming from people whose ancestors had been under the control of the Egyptians, Philistines, Babylonians, Persians, Syrians, and Romans at various times in history.
Jesus tried to help them understand that if you sin, you’re a slave to sin because you have no choice in the matter. You have no power to break free from sin’s mastery over you. Only the Son, who enjoys the rights and privileges of being part of God’s family, can free a slave of sin.
The Jewish leaders tried to argue that they were part of God’s family, too, because they were descendants of Abraham. Jesus pointed out that He was the litmus test because He was the true Son of God. Since the Jewish leaders were trying to kill Him, they couldn’t claim that God was their father too.
If God were truly their father, they would have welcomed Jesus. They would have recognized that He had been sent by God. They would have done everything in their power to assist and support Him.
Instead, they showed who their real father was by spreading lies about Him, turning people against Him, questioning His authority, trying to embarrass Him, scheming against Him, and plotting to kill Him. “You are the children of your father the devil,” Jesus told them (verse 44 NLT).
Jesus saw these people for who they were: opponents of God’s work and His will. But not everyone could see through their disguise. The same problem exists today. It’s possible for people to be spiritual leaders, to have respect and authority in the eyes of many people, and still be obstacles to God’s real work. Their teachings may seem reasonable, spiritual, and even scriptural to those who aren’t listening closely.
That’s why God’s Word instructs us to be discerning and wise, to test everything we hear against the truth of Scripture.
Discussion Question: What truths about Jesus have set you free? Are there areas where you still need to experience His freedom?
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