
The Ripple Effect of Our Choices

by Greg Laurie on Oct 17, 2022
For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord.
—Proverbs 1:29

Every day we make choices ranging from what to wear to what to eat. But what we wear or what we eat are not the most important choices in life, though some of our choices will have implications on our waistlines.

On the other hand, some choices we make are very important, even life-changing, such as what career to pursue or what person to marry. But the most important choice of all is whether you will follow Jesus Christ. That will impact not only your life on earth but your life in eternity as well.

In the Bible we find the stories of people who made good choices and bad ones. Moses chose to help his fellow Hebrews rather than enjoy the riches and power of Egypt. Joseph chose to resist the advances of Potiphar’s wife. Daniel chose not to eat the food from the king’s table. All of these choices were good ones that resulted in wonderful results.

But we also read the stories of some who made bad choices in life. Adam’s wrong choice cost him the Garden of Eden, Esau’s choice cost him his birthright, and King Saul’s choice cost him his kingdom.

God will show us what we ought to do and what path to follow, but He ultimately leaves the choice up to us. He has given us free will. And even when we don’t make a choice, that, in and of itself, is a choice.

The choices we make today not only will affect us, but they can affect our children, grandchildren, and so on. If you make the right choices and leave a godly legacy, that will impact those around you. If you make the wrong choices and leave an ungodly legacy, that, too, will have an impact. The effects go on and on, for better or for worse.

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