
Stay Alert!

by Greg Laurie on Feb 22, 2010
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

You have probably seen it on television at one time or another: some lions are hanging out, soaking in the rays, when along come the antelope. You can almost read the lions’ thoughts as they size them up: Let’s see, which one are we going to eat today? There is usually that lone antelope lagging behind all the rest by about 20 feet or so. That one looks like lion lunch. So the next thing you see is a lion covering an amazing amount of ground in a matter of seconds. And once the big cat sinks his claws into his prey and drags it down, you know it is all over for that antelope.

If you have ever watched a scene like this one, then you have an idea of how the devil operates. The Bible describes him as a “roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). This hungry beast of prey is looking for his next meal, and he is ready to pounce.

In Job, we read how the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan was among them. God directed His remarks to the devil himself and asked, “Where have you come from?” (Job 1:6). And Satan answered, “I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that’s going on” (verse 7).

He is checking everything out. He is watching. He is looking for vulnerability, weakness. He is looking for his next prey to bring down. That is his basic agenda. And the devil never takes a vacation. He doesn’t take a month off, a week off, a day off, or even an hour off. He never takes a moment off. He is always busy with his well-organized network of demon powers that is helping him accomplish his purposes.

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