
On His Mind

by Greg Laurie on Jul 11, 2023
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!
—Psalm 139:17

Little children always seem to want their parents’ attention. They’ll throw a ball or get on a bicycle and call out, “Mom, watch me!” or “Hey, Dad, watch this!” It warms their hearts to know their parents are paying attention to them.

In a sense, that is how we should feel about our Father in Heaven. We should be encouraged by the fact that God is paying attention to us. David wrote, “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!” (Psalm 139:17–18 NLT).

If you were to go to the beach and try to count all the grains of sand, it would be a tedious process. David compared counting grains of sand to counting the number of times God thinks about us—it’s more than we can imagine!

God said, “See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16 NLT). Even if your family lets you down, even if your friends let you down, know this: God is thinking of you. He is aware of you. He is pulling for you.

Jesus said, “Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matthew 6:8 NLT). God is aware of everything you’re facing in life. He knows about your fears and your dreams. He knows everything about you.

If the thought that God is watching you and thinking about you brings joy to your heart, then that would tell me your life is probably right with God.

But if the thought that God is watching you, listening to you, and thinking about you terrifies you or gives you cause for great concern, then it might indicate your life is not where it ought to be spiritually.

Is the knowledge that God is thinking about you and aware of everything you do a source of dread and fear? Or, is it a source of comfort and delight?

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