Keep Your Eye on the Ball
A while back a friend of mine who is a very good golfer was trying to teach me how to do a proper golf swing. I would miss the ball completely, and it was so embarrassing. Then I talked to someone who has been golfing for years and asked, “How long would it take for me to become competent enough at golfing where maybe I wouldn’t embarrass myself out on the course?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “Three, maybe four years.”
I thought, “Forget it.”
Certain sports require that you keep your eye on the ball. That is true in life, too. In marriage, you have to keep your eye on the ball. That means constantly doing things to strengthen your marriage. Don’t merely be reactive; be proactive. Be the best husband you can be. Be the best wife you can be. Stoke the flames of your romance. Don’t neglect it.
It’s also true in ministry. If God has called you into ministry, keep your eye on the ball. Don’t rest on your laurels. Don’t go into cruise control. Be proactive, looking for ways to be even more effective at what you do. We take that very seriously at Harvest Christian Fellowship. We’re always trying to be the most effective we can be in this church. And this is true of so many things in life.
It’s true of the Christian life. It isn’t always sinful things that break our focus. Sometimes it’s choosing the urgent over the important, choosing the good over what’s best, choosing the short-term over the long-term. So be careful. The moment you take your eye off the ball and start kicking back a little, that could be the setup for a fall. Be constantly moving forward, growing, learning, and becoming more like Jesus.
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Following Jesus is more than a one-time decision—it’s a daily walk. In this book, Greg Laurie explores the true meaning of discipleship and how you can experience a life of purpose, growth, and joy. Get your copy of Discipleship: The Road Less Taken with your donation today.
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