
A Dangerous Place

by Greg Laurie on Feb 17, 2009
If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me.

What is the most dangerous place in the world?

A war zone certainly qualifies. The jungles of Africa can seem very dangerous, especially at night, when wild animals run right through the safari camp. You can hear animal sounds like you have never heard before in your life. That’s a scary place to be.

But did you ever think that one of the most dangerous places you can be is right in church? Attending church can be hazardous to your spiritual health if you are coming for the wrong reason.

Why is it hazardous? Because you are exposed to truth. If you have no intention of putting that truth into practice into your life, your church can actually be one of the worst places to be.

It’s a dangerous thing to hear the gospel without any intention of applying it in your life.

You may be fooling yourself. Are you in church because other people are? Are you going because it’s popular? Or are you going to church because you have made the decision to follow Christ?

Jesus said, ” ‘If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor’ ” (John 12:26).

When I signed up to follow Jesus, I didn’t sign up to do what other people were doing. I signed up to be His follower, no matter what. He will stand by you as you follow Him, and God will honor you.

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