
Why Read the Bible?

by Greg Laurie on Aug 5, 2019
If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
—John 8:31

Some people like to work out, citing the endorphins that are released. But I dread working out. And I complain while I’m working out. But after I’m done, I’m glad that I did it.

That’s sometimes what it’s like to study the Bible. There are times we really want to read it and look forward to it. Then there are times when we get up in the morning and think, “I’ll just skip it today.” But then we do it anyway. That isn’t legalism; that’s discipline. And there’s a difference.

Discipline says, “I’m going to read the Bible because I need to do it. I know God wants me to do it. And when I’m done, I’ll be glad I did it.”

It’s an absolute that we determine to do before anything else, even if it means that we don’t have time to check our social media or e-mails or texts. It’s something we must discipline ourselves to do.

The Center for Bible Engagement recently did a study and came up with something I find very interesting: “The ‘power of 4’ is evident when we consider that for some of these behaviors (getting drunk and sex outside marriage) examined there is no statistical difference between Christians who read or listen to the Bible two to three days a week and those who do not engage scripture at all or only once a week.”

In other words, if you’re not reading your Bible four or more times a week, then you won’t make significant choices or changes any differently than someone who doesn’t read the Bible.

Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed” (John 8:31 NKJV). We need to see the value of God’s Word. We need to long for God’s Word.

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