
Trusting His Ways

by Greg Laurie on Nov 3, 2017
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.

Things will happen in life where you find yourself saying, “I don’t get this. Everything was tracking along just fine until now. I don’t get this at all.” You might even say, “God, why?”

It’s okay to ask God why. Just don’t expect an answer. It is not because there is no answer. The reason is that even if God gave you an answer, you wouldn’t get it.

When I try to explain certain things to my grandchildren, there are some things they get and some things they don’t. They are not ready to grasp them just yet.

In the same way, the infinite God could try and explain something to the finite Greg, and Greg would say, “Uh, I don’t agree with that. I think it’s a bad decision, even.”

So God says, “I’m not even going to bother explaining it to you. I am with you. That is My answer. I am with you, and I will get you through it. And in time, you will look back and will see things working together for good. Ultimately, on the other side, you will get the big picture. But until then, you will have to just trust Me.”

Maybe you’re going through a storm right now. Maybe you’ve even had a shipwreck of sorts—a trauma, a tragedy. You’re saying, “I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t know what to do.” Here is my suggestion to you: believe God.

Do you believe God? Is He the Lord of your life? Have you said, “Lord, I want to do what You want me to do. I will go where You want me to go. I belong to You”?

Have you come to that place yet? It won’t always be smooth sailing, but you will have a safe arrival.

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