
My Determined Purpose

by Greg Laurie on Jan 3, 2007
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

With the world the way it is today, with things getting darker and darker and going from bad to worse, it seems to me the only way to live these days is as a completely sold out Christian. Not as a fence sitter trying to blend in, but saying I want to walk with God and live a real Christian life.

Paul said that his determined purpose in life was to know Christ (see Philippians 3:10-14). What is your determined purpose in life? When you get up in the morning, what do you live for? What are your goals? What are your priorities?

If you don’t have a goal, you are in serious trouble because, as it has been said, “If you aim at nothing, you are bound to hit it.” Can you say with Paul, “My determined purpose in life is to know Him”? I hope so.

Think of the way that God used Paul. He had led countless people to faith. He had established churches. He had actually written epistles that we regard today as the very inspired Word of God. Yet Paul realized he had so much to learn and so far to go.

It’s hard for us to think that someone like Paul would face the struggles and temptations we all face. But indeed he did. How much more should we be saying that we need to change radically in this coming year? There are so many things that need to take place in our lives. We need to become more like Christ in this coming year.

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