
Don’t Waste Your Youth

by Greg Laurie on Nov 19, 2015
Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore."

I made a commitment to Christ when I was 17 years old. By that time I felt as though I had already lived a very long life because of my mother’s alcoholism and multiple divorces, as well as my own experimentation with drugs and drinking. I was ready for a radical change.

As a result, I gave up quite a few things and pretty much dumped all of my so-called friends. I didn’t want to be in that environment anymore. I needed a new start in life. I committed myself to studying the Bible, being a part of the church, and growing spiritually. Did I give up a few so-called fun times? Yes. But I have had so much more fun as a follower of Jesus. I don’t regret any of those things I gave up.

Every now and then, I will run into an old friend from high school. What is really sad is when someone still thinks they are in high school when they are 60, and they can’t let it go. They’re still living that life (or at least trying to live that life). Some of them are on their second, third, or even fourth marriages. Or maybe their substance abuse has taken a toll on them. I look at them and think, Why did you live that way?

Solomon, at the end of Ecclesiastes, came to a clear conclusion. Among other things, he deeply regretted wasting his youth and didn’t want others to make the same mistake. He wrote, "Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, ‘Life is not pleasant anymore’ " (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

Youth is such an important time. It’s there that you set the course of your life.

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