
Heaven for Kids

by Christopher Rodriguez on Mar 19, 2023

Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $8.45.

Kids have always asked . . .

Do we become angels in heaven?
Is heaven “up”?
What will we eat?
Will I have to play a harp?

. . . and adults have always wanted to give better answers.

Here’s good news!

As a parent and a grandparent, Randy Alcorn knows how important it is to pass along the biblical truths about heaven. So in Heaven for Kids, Randy has adapted for a younger generation his best-selling adult version of Heaven. He’s made all the great information and fresh teaching accessible and applicable for kids.

Heaven for Kids is set up in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format. covers all the topics that kids wonder about, as well as questions they haven’t even thought of yet. provides an excellent resource for independent readers aged 8-12. contains kid-friendly language and anecdotes that are sure to spark ongoing family discussions about our promised destination.

They’ll ask . . . be ready!

SKU: BO23FORKID Categories: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 8.8 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.5 × 8.1 in

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