Harvest Blog

How The Crusade Saved Lisa

by Harvest on Aug 25, 2019

Lisa was invited by a friend to the Harvest Crusade in 1989.

As a teenager, Lisa was partying with friends and drinking. After she graduated from high school, at the age of 18, Lisa became pregnant. She moved in with her boyfriend, but they didn’t have a healthy relationship. Lisa’s boyfriend was drinking and cheating on her and after her baby was born, Lisa left her boyfriend and moved in with her mom. She continued to party and drink while leaving her son with her mom.

One day, her friend invited her to the Harvest Crusade, where she heard the gospel message and accepted Pastor Greg Laurie’s invitation to follow Christ. “I just knew something had to change in my life and the spirit moved me.” However, after the crusade, Lisa didn’t find a church or read her Bible, she admits after the crusade she went back to partying and drinking.

In 1992, she met her husband, and had a daughter, but her lifestyle was catching up to her. Lisa’s marriage was in trouble and heading towards divorce. She started going to church and reading her Bible. Lisa heard about a church event and as a last attempt to save her marriage, Lisa and her husband decided to attend. “God’s spirit was still with me.”

She rededicated her life to God and her husband accepted the invitation at an altar call. The Lord began to change their hearts, and He restored their marriage. God took away the craving for alcohol.

Today, they are both serving the Lord and their children are all following God. Lisa uses her marriage as a testimony and shares the love of God with others. By God’s grace they are celebrating 25 years of marriage.


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