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Johnny Cash: The Redemption of an American Icon

  • Executive Producers:

John Carter Cash, Robert Deaton, Kevin Downes, Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin, Greg Laurie, Josh Matas, Bijou McMillion, Brian Mitchell, Bill Reeves

  • Producers:

Jerilyn Esquibel, Brandon Gregory, Andrea Royer, Josh Walsh

  • Director and Cinematographer

Ben Smallbone

  • Cast:

Johnny Cash, John Carter Cash, Sheryl Crow, Wynonna Judd, Tim McGraw

  • More Information:

Watch the Official Trailer

Saint or Sinner?

Johnny Cash wasn’t just known for creating unique music, but for being a unique individual as well. Sinners thought Johnny was a saint, saints thought Johnny was a sinner, but, in reality, he was both. Just like us, he was flawed, he blew it, he fell, and he got up again. But he never lost his faith. In fact, at the very end of his life, it was stronger than ever.

He embodies the paradox of every Christian who wants to do what is right but struggles to do it, just like the apostle Paul described in Romans. That’s one reason I’ve wanted to tell his story for such a long time. His story is that of redemption, and it resonates with so many of us who mess up, yet still have God saying, “I’m not done with you yet.”

If we learn nothing else from the story of Johnny Cash, we learn that God gives second chances, and third ones, and fourth ones . . .

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