Harvest Blog

Father to the Fatherless

by Sandie Cervantes on Aug 19, 2017

Ashton and Chasun had no idea what they were in store for. Brought to tonight’s SoCal Harvest by Ashton’s mother, they both agree, “We are open to it and ready to have fun. We are more than friends; we are like brothers.”

At 13 years old, Ashton is in the midst of the most difficult season of his life. His father, whom he was very close to, suffered a heart attack and passed away just a few months ago. “Since then, I’ve been depressed, scared, I don’t know what to do.” Ashton admits, “I’m angry, I’m mad at God, I feel hopeless.” He was raised in a Christian home but says he has never given his heart to Jesus. He doesn’t read the Bible, he doesn’t pray, and only goes to church when he is forced, and what he is really desiring right now is a father figure in his life.

Chasun is 14 years old and accepted Jesus just a couple of years ago. In contrast to his close friend, it was a difficult time that brought him to the Lord. “My dad had lost his job, and my family was close to losing our home. I knew I needed God, so I started going to church, started to pray, and God brought my family through that hard time. I knew someone was watching over me, that God could help me.”

Tonight, Ashton will hear a message from Greg Laurie telling him that his heavenly Father is right here, and ready to live in his heart. God is not only the Father to the fatherless, but He gives hope to the hopeless, peace to the fearful, strength to the weary, and joy to the downhearted.  This message is for us all, and may it be just what Ashton needs to hear tonight.

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