Harvest Blog


by Nayeli Serrano on Aug 27, 2016


Danielle Brooks is 26 years old. Her mother has been a crack addict since she was born, and her stepfather died when she was just 8 years old. Danielle and her five sisters were raised by her grandmother, but in 2005 her grandmother passed away, leaving her and her sisters to raise themselves. Danielle ended up homeless, and panhandling to get by.

At the age of 16 Danielle was addicted to meth and was involved in prostitution; this was her life for eight years. One night a car approached her while she was walking the streets, but all he wanted was to tell her that Jesus loved her. That was the first time Danielle had ever heard that there was a God that loved her. She began crying and continued to speak with this man. He told her all about God and His grace. Danielle admits that she didn’t accept his invitation to attend church until a month later. Danielle had been injecting meth, and when she saw all the needle marks on her arms she realized she didn’t want to live that life anymore. She called the man that had been preaching to her and accepted his invitation to go to church with him. "It was on a Wednesday night Bible study," Danielle said. This was the night she quit her addiction and prostitution to start a new life. For three and a half years Danielle has been dedicating her life to serving God, but just last week she backslid and went back to the drugs. Today when she heard Pastor Greg speak about the woman at the well, Danielle felt as if he was talking about her. She is recommitting her life to Christ and is going to continue to serve Him.

Danielle is holding on to God’s Word and quoted Philippians 1:6, "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

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