
The Season of Opportunities

by Greg Laurie on Apr 18, 2018

Summer is the season when the vines grow faster and the grass grows seemingly overnight. It’s the season of the longest days and the shortest nights.

All the projects you’ve started, all the dreams you had in the spring, all the things that you planted and put into the ground, suddenly start bursting forth. Then we find ourselves collapsing into our beds at night, thinking, Oh Lord, how am I going to get the energy to get up and do this again tomorrow? What have I done, committing myself in the springtime to all of this? I had no idea! We can feel completely overwhelmed.

The summertime of the soul is the time of busy activity when we have so many opportunities, when so many things suddenly rush at us. Yet this is the season when God brings amazing opportunities into our lives. It’s a time to seize the day.

Has God recently opened doors and brought opportunities your way? Seize them. But don’t say yes to every opportunity. Always seek the Lord first in those plans. Always make time for Him.

Proverbs says, “He who gathers in summer is a wise son; he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame” (10:5 nkjv), and “ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer” (30:25 nkjv).

When we look at all we have going on, when life is rushing at us all at once, we think it always will be this way.

It won’t. Those doors of opportunity and blessing won’t always be open to you. It’s a season, so seize it.

Look to God during this season. As you wait on Him, He’ll give you the strength to do what He has called you to do.

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