
Divine Detours

by Greg Laurie on Jul 6, 2020
A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
—Proverbs 16:9

A while back I was scheduled on a flight back to Los Angeles, but I missed it. I had a connection in Dallas, and my flight was late getting there. So, I had to take a different one.

I had planned to do some work on board, so I asked the flight attendant if there was a place to plug in my computer.

“Yes, there is,” she told me. “And by the way, I’m a Christian. Nice to see you, Pastor Greg.”

Then, about two hours into the flight she asked if she could talk to me. She started to cry as she told me about a crisis she was facing—a very serious one. So, I shared some Scripture with her, and we prayed together about it.

Afterward she said that she follows me on social media and knew I was traveling for a speaking engagement. She had prayed that I would be on her flight. “I knew the Lord was going to put you on this flight,” she told me, “because like you posted on Instagram, an interruption is a divine intervention.”

I was thrilled with that. And it reminded me that extraordinary things often happen in ordinary circumstances. I didn’t receive a message from God that day like someone in a Mission Impossible movie. God didn’t speak to me audibly and tell me what my mission was.

In fact, I would suggest to you that sometimes out-of-the-ordinary things will happen in our lives to get our attention. Because what may seem to you like a coincidence is actually Providence. And what you may perceive as an interruption actually may be a divine intervention.

So, when something happens out of the ordinary—and this year, it seems more than likely—pay attention. The Lord may be leading you. The Lord may want to use you for His purposes.

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