Greg's Blog

Lost Boy in San Diego

by Greg Laurie on Mar 19, 2009

We had a great night at Maranatha Chapel, Pastor Ray Bentley’s church in San Diego.

We showed the newly-edited, full-length Lost Boy documentary, followed by a message. I also interviewed my son Jonathan, who gave his testimony.

You have to understand that Jonathan is not really a public speaker, nor did he ever aspire to be one. But that all changed after his brother went to heaven. Jonathan made a complete commitment to follow and serve the Lord, and God is using him powerfully.

He gave his most effective presentation yet last night, and I was very proud of him. When he is speaking, I look out and notice that everyone really tunes in, especially the kids!

We saw 120 people come forward to make commitments and re-commitments to follow Christ.

Thursday nights in O.C.

Tonight is our second Thursday night Bible study. We were overwhelmed by the response on our first night, and we pray that God will bless it once again.

My message title is “The God Who Cares.” If you, or anyone you know, is in the O.C. area, please let them know about our study.

Thanks for your prayers.

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