Greg's Notes

Dealing with Criticism

Some people, all they want to do is complain. They want to be critical. They think it’s some kind of a spiritual gift to be critical of others. It isn’t.

It really come down to two kinds of people. Some are doing the work of God. Others are standing on the sidelines and critiquing those that are doing the work of God. Which are you?


Practical Principles

  1. When you build, you will have to battle. The trash talkers and the wall breakers will always be there to oppose you.
  2. If you’re doing God’s work, you will be roundly criticized. Criticism can be demoralizing and it can be painful. But Jesus said, in Matthew 5:11–12, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (nkjv).
  3. When you’re under attack, take it to the Lord in prayer. When trouble comes your way, call out to God. 1 Peter 5:7 says to “[cast] all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (nkjv).
  4. We need to be practical and prepared. We learn in Nehemiah how to plan our work and then how to work our plan.
  5. We need to finish what God has called us to do, and we need to do it with passion and persistence. The most dangerous part of a work is when it’s half done. Just continue on and do so with enthusiasm. The critic only wins if you quit.


Relevant Reminders

  • If you are doing the work of God, you will face opposition. In fact, if you don’t face opposition, you might ask yourself the question, “Am I really doing the work of God?”
  • Critics run in packs. Critics engage in groupthink. They feed off each other. And after a time, they start to turn on each other as well.
  • If criticism is offered to help and not hurt, try to listen to it and learn from it.
  • Two things that you can always pass on to the Lord are criticism and praise. One can deflate you and the other can inflate you, and neither is healthy spiritually.

Applicable Actions

If you want to never be criticized at all, say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.

Instead, take action. Clear out the rubble, and rebuild your walls a brick at a time. It may be overwhelming but just start right where you are. The Lord will bless you in your work despite those who criticize and complain.