Baby Lucy update
Baby Lucy is doing really well. She has a good appetite and needed her diaper changed last night for the first time. She is so cute!
Thanks for your greetings to her and her mom.
Giving Thanks
Today is a national holiday when we are to give thanks to God. I hope you remember to do that today as you celebrate with friends and family.
I trust many of you are having turkey and all the fixin’s! Here are some of my favorite things to have on Thanksgiving:
- Turkey (I prefer the white meat)
- Cornbread stuffing
- Mashed potatoes
- Green beans
- Sweet potatoes (especially with melted mini-marshmallows on top, one of Christopher’s favorite things)
- Rolls and/or fresh biscuits
- and tons of gravy on everything!
I will be speaking on Skid Row today
I must admit that we already had our Thanksgiving meal this past Tuesday. Brittany went into labor that night, so perhaps there was something to it!
Instead, I am going to go up to the Fred Jordan Mission in L.A. today to preach and to help them with their annual outreach to feed the homeless on L.A.’s skid row.
This mission was originally started by my uncle Fred Jordan. He has been in heaven for quite a few years now, but his dear wife (and my aunt) Willie Jordan has run it very effectively for years now, as she and her family have reached thousands of lives for time and eternity.
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