Greg's Notes

Can We Have Revival in Our Time Part 1

Revival. Could it ever happen again? Could we have another Jesus Movement or are the best days of America behind us? To be honest after watching this political cycle that we are in right now I have less faith in political solutions than I have ever had at any time in my life. I don’t think the ultimate need of America is going to be solved by the new occupant of the White House, or new members of Congress or the Senate. I think the real need for America is going to be met by a spiritual solution.

So, what do we do if we want to see revival in our time?

Practical Principles

  1. We need to humble ourselves and pray. The Hebrew used to express the verb “to pray” means “to judge self habitually.” Here in 2 Chronicles we are to judge ourselves. We are so quick to judge and criticize others habitually. But the Bible says we should really be judging ourselves. If we spent less time criticizing others, and more time examining ourselves maybe we would have revival.
  2. Pray and seek His face. When you are praying for revival, you are praying according to the will of God—with passion and earnestness. When you are praying for the salvation of a loved one you are praying according to the will of God. We need to press forward in our prayer and seek His face. Not backing down.
  3. There must be repentance from all known sin. All of the praying in the world is not going to help you if you are living in sin. The psalmist said, “If I cling to iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” God says in Isaiah 59, “It is not that my ear is heavy I can’t hear. It is not that my hand is short I cannot save. But your sins have separated you from Me.”

Relevant Reminders

  • What is revival? Simple definition. It is to come alive again. Revival is the spark that starts the engine. You know what? Periodically we need a new spark.
  • The church needs revival. Nonbelievers don’t need revival, they need salvation. It’s the church that needs to be revived again and it starts with prayer.
  • God wants to send revival. But He wants us to participate in the process.

Applicable Actions

Here in our nation things are looking bleak. God is saying, “Call on Me and watch what I will do. Pray right now. Follow My prescription for revival. Watch how I will intervene.” No good thing will He withhold from those that walk with Him. Call upon His name. Pray. Turn from your sin. God will hear your prayer and heal your land.